Gender Equality Means Food Security for Asia and the Pacific
Gender equality is key to reducing hunger in Asia and the Pacific, according to a comprehensive analysis that reveals the economic and social benefits.
Gender equality is key to reducing hunger in Asia and the Pacific, according to a comprehensive analysis that reveals the economic and social benefits.
Discrimination against homosexuals and transsexuals hinders economic and social development.
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we call for policies to help women build and retain control over assets to increase their security.
Women in the region must learn to defend themselves, and say enough is enough.
Land is power – immutable and unyielding. It provides succor and sustenance. Unfortunately, there is an overwhelming gender gap in land ownership, reinforcing the gender discrimination women face in other spheres.
Why are there so few women in senior management when Asia has had more female state leaders than even Europe? And why does this continue when there is clear evidence that more women in leadership is good for the bottom line?
The economic cost is, of course far, far from the only reason to deal with violence against women. But address it we must.
A new ADB-ILO joint desk review analyzes what the PRC’s transition to a new growth model means for women in the labor market.