How Big Data Can Be Used for Tourism Recovery in Asia and The Pacific
The pandemic-driven surge in data collection offers major opportunities, and some risks, for the reopening of tourism in the region.
The pandemic-driven surge in data collection offers major opportunities, and some risks, for the reopening of tourism in the region.
There has been a sharp contrast between evidence and policies during the pandemic, but these actions will encourage evidence-informed policymaking as we move forward.
Vaccination programs and travel bubbles are still in their infancy. They could help revive tourism in Asia and the Pacific but governments need to pave the way with the right policies.
Ensuring equitable access to vaccines is crucial for developing countries in Asia to reopen their economies and recover. Well-designed policies will speed the rebound of Asian economies and have impacts that span the globe.
Ази тивийн хөгжиж буй орнуудын хувьд эдийн засгаа сэргээж, зах зээлээ нээхийн тулд вакциныг тэгш хүртээмжтэйгээр нэвтрүүлэх нь нэн чухал болоод байна. Вакцинжуулалтын бодлогыг оновчтой боловсруулснаар Азийн эдийн засгийн сэргэлтийг түргэсгэж, дэлхий дахинд эерэг өөрчлөлтийг авчирч чадна.
Promoting domestic travel and using “travel bubbles” will help throw a lifeline to the region's struggling tourism industry.