ADB-AIESEC Partnership Empowers the SDG Generation
ADB and the world’s largest youth organization will work together together on the post-2015 development agenda.
ADB and the world’s largest youth organization will work together together on the post-2015 development agenda.
CSO participation can help make development projects as environmentally sustainable as they should be.
Boosting female participation in digital and financial technologies through science, technology, engineering, and math education will help overcome gender biases in the workforce and business environment of Asia and the Pacific.
During the pandemic, corruption in projects could mean the difference between life and death for the poor and vulnerable.
Selama pandemi, korupsi dalam proyek bisa berarti perbedaan antara hidup dan mati bagi masyarakat miskin dan rentan.
Trong thời kì đại dịch, tham nhũng trong các dự án có thể sẽ là sự sống và cái chết đối với người nghèo và người dễ bị tổn thuơng.
Skills alignment should be a priority among governments and the private sector in the region to provide young people the skills employers need to give them jobs.
Engaging with civil society will help the Paris agreement’s accountability mechanism become more effective.
Цар тахлын үед төслүүдэд авилгалтай холбоотой үйлдэл гарах нь ядуу, эмзэг бүлгийн хүмүүсийн үхэл, амьдралыг шийдэхүйц ихээхэн нөлөөтэй.
Во время пандемии, коррупция в проектах может быть вопросом жизни и смерти для бедных и социально-уязвимых слов населения.